‘I stay true to myself’

Sigrid Kaag deliberately did not accept the invitation to join Today Inside. “I think about the programs to which I am invited. I also want to remain credible.”


The talk shows Jinek and Today Inside already have little overlap, but only yesterday they were really opposite. While the progressive Sigrid Kaag was sitting at the table with Eva Jinek and the misconduct at NOS Sport was rejected, Today Inside had a visit from the conservative Mark Rutte and the same misconduct was downplayed.

Sigrid invited

Today Inside is by far the most popular of the two programs, but Kaag says he consciously chose to sit with Eva and not with her competitor Wilfred Genee. The leader of D66 has been invited; she was allowed to come by in the broadcasts of last Wednesday and Friday.

Eva: “Were you invited by VI yourself?”

Kaag: “Yes, but I am here.”

Eva: “If there is another chance to go there tomorrow, would you go there?”

Kaag: “Tomorrow evening we have a debate.”

Principled choice

Eva: “And if there was no debate, would you go?”

Kaag: “Hahaha.”

Political reporter Joost Vullings: “We will bring you!”

Eva: “If we drive in front of you! No, but is it a principled choice?”

Kaag: “I stay true to myself. We talked earlier this evening about sexism, about discussing women, how women are treated. I think about the programs to which I am invited.”


Declining the invitation from Today Inside is therefore a conscious choice. “I also want to remain credible. I have an opinion about sexism in the Netherlands, about how we talk about each other, the space we give each other. I will not fit well in every program and vice versa.”

It is not a big surprise that Kaag did not visit Today Inside. Last year she was enthusiastic when it seemed that her program would disappear from the tube because of the candle riot. When the VI trio returned, she reacted visibly irritated.
