“I sometimes checked at night whether he was still breathing”

Gesina says that the last six weeks of Willibrord’s life were very difficult for him: “He was extremely tired and could not do anything. Willibrord had given his all and the body was gone. You could see that in everything.”

Gesina about the last weeks of Willibrord Frequin

“Spiritually he wanted to stay, but it just couldn’t go on,” she says. “During that period I would sometimes wake up at night and check if he was still breathing, to be happy every morning that he was still there. That was also true for him. ‘Good morning without worries, make every day a party,’ he would say. We kept that in until the very end.”

Date of death

She tells candidly about the day he died: “On May 26, like other days, I woke up next to him and saw that he was lying there strangely. I didn’t realize it at the time, but when I walked around the bed to his side and looked at him again, I saw that he had gone to heaven. Strangely enough, I laughed that that thunderstone had done that on Ascension Day.”

empty house

When Gesina is alone at home, it sometimes feels empty: “Willibrord never steps in here again, but upstairs the cupboards are still full of his clothes. I don’t feel the need to clean that up at all.”

father’s day

On Father’s Day, next Sunday, the family will reunite: “We’ve always been a close-knit group. We still are and we always will be.”

Catherine Keyl used to have a crush on Willibrord:

Source: Privately

June 16, 2022
