“I have suffered, they have stolen money from me…”

06/05/2023 at 16:53


The artist has launched into the audiovisual world after recording the documentary ‘El Camino’

It can be enjoyed from June 15 on platforms such as Movistar Plus+, Spotify and YouTube

Daniel Martin has launched into the audiovisual world after recording the documentary ‘The Way’. Throughout eight chapters, the singer will be seen talking with other artists and about his complications in life and in the industry. you can enjoy from June 15 on platforms such as Movistar Plus+, Spotify and YouTube.

The man from Madrid explained in an interview with ‘El País’ that he is in “the happiest moment” of his life. The singer temporarily withdrew from the stage last December, because he needed to connect with himself. Now, he has assured that he is “getting to know himself as a man, as a person, as a human being and as a musician”. Alejandro Sanz is in the media spotlight after leaking his break with Rachel Valdés, and after rumors that he could be bankrupt after being scammed by a close friend. Martín has explained that he also suffered scams from his former representative, Tibu: “I have suffered, they have stolen my money, but they have not stolen my illusion.”

Still, he wants to get the bright side: “Even the bad people who have taken advantage of us have taught me something (…) I prefer to manage everything from my circle, from the people I love and they have shown me that we are a team and that, thanks to them, every time we put out a record or tour, everything works like clockwork.”

The artist has been asked about his relationship with the members of ‘El Canto del Loco’, and he explained that He has no relationship with his cousin David Otero, and with Iván Ganchegui and Chema Ruiz, yes.

He has made it clear that his intention is not to revive the band: “It is as if you are at home with a couple enjoying your children and, suddenly, you consider going back with your girlfriend of 20 years. Noit was cool when we were 20 years old, but this present is also very cool and I think that living happily in your present is the most beautiful thing that can happen to you”.
