“I have never experienced stress of this magnitude”

Steven Gerrard impressed me back then with his style of play and his coolness. He impressed me – over time more and more because of his loyalty to the club. That’s not common these days. Gerrard had a lot of offers throughout his career but I was extremely impressed that he stayed at Liverpool.

Gerrard was 26 years at Liverpool FC. Can you do that at SC too?

It’s certainly not unrealistic. But then I would have to play until at least 39.

Can you even imagine becoming SC Freiburg’s Gerrard?

Of course I can imagine that, but the question is more how long the body can take it and how long you can play at that level.

Let’s come to the current season: Vincenzo Grifo, with whom you most recently formed what is probably the best left side in the Bundesliga, has just extended his contract long-term. How about you?

I still have a bit of a contract (laughs) and just extended it last year.

I’m not saying that. (grins)

But surely longer than next summer?

The message from the Freiburg fans before the start of the game: "Unique club, like you football should be!".
The message from the Freiburg fans before the DFB Cup final: “Unique club, football should be like you!”. (Source: Jan Woitas/dpa)

Freiburg was one of the big surprises of 2021/22 with sixth place and reaching the DFB Cup final. Elsewhere, the team would most likely fall apart. But the SC lost only one regular player in Nico Schlotterbeck and brought back Matthias Ginter as a replacement. How does the club do that?

The environment in Freiburg is relatively quiet. Even if we don’t play that well, there isn’t really theater and the fans boo us. Medial as well. In addition, most of the club employees, coaching staff and team have known each other for a long time – and we all get along well. They are guys with a really great character. And as they get older, many people come to appreciate how much something like this is worth.

You mentioned the environment. Have you ever experienced sit-ins in front of the bus after a defeat, which is commonplace at other clubs?

No never. Even after we were relegated in 2015, there were 100 to 200 fans at the stadium, cheering us up and encouraging us. That’s something very special. The people in Freiburg have a keen sense – especially when we give everything and put our hearts on the pitch. Then you can lose.



