‘I have made my work of spirituality’


‘As a child, in the area of ​​Buenos Aires in Argentina, I already felt connected to the earth and nature. Using habits like plastic and then throwing it away again I thought it was crazy back then. I didn’t see much interest in my environment for the things that mattered to me, so I let go of my spirituality a bit.

“My work used to consist mainly of cultural projects such as making theatre, and I was a Spanish teacher. But in the last ten years I have more people around me, in Rotterdam, who also feel spiritual. It felt like it was finally my time. Because of the interest in spirituality in my environment, I knew that I could now be completely myself. And I knew there was a market for it, so I made it my job.

“I took a Tamá Taié course. This is a technique to activate energy by using quartz crystals to increase vibrational frequencies in the body. Nowadays I do individual and group sessions. The number of customers varies per week and mainly depends on how much effort I put in, for example through promotion on social media. A session lasts two hours, with a pre- and post-interview. I discuss with the client what they came for and what they want to get out of the activation. For example, some people come because they suffer from depressive symptoms.

“The client lies on a mattress on the floor. Above the head I place quartz crystals in a geometric shape. With my voice, among other things, I make noise, which generates the vibrations. The activation often makes clients feel more energetic or lighter, they say afterwards.

“For more stability in my income, I work three days a week at an anthroposophical childcare. They work there with materials from nature. They do not color with markers there, but with beeswax, for example. Contact with natural materials helps children to ground and take root on our planet.”


‘My daughter and I live in a residential group where we do a lot together with other residents. That is why, for example, I have a low rent and low internet costs. Everyone has their own space, but we regularly cook or garden together.

“It is important to me that I can feel free when it comes to money. It must come and go. If I need a new bike, I want to be able to buy it. Or a plane ticket for my mother in Argentina.

“I also try to buy products that last a long time. That’s why I don’t often make small expenses, but large ones once in a while. I prefer to buy organic materials. For example, to make my own creams for my skin, with beeswax or rosehip oil.

“And I buy an organic package with vegetables from the neighborhood, without packaging. Also when I buy toys for my daughter, I choose something with as little plastic as possible. These kinds of purchases may be slightly more expensive, but I consciously choose things that last longer.”
