I have an iPhone 12 like the one they banned, what do I do now?

09/19/2023 at 09:45


France has banned the sale of this phone for emitting electromagnetic waves above what is permitted

In the middle of the week of presentation of the iPhone 15France has spoiled the party Manzana by prohibiting the marketing of iPhone 12 throughout the French territory. The French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) issued a warning about this model, which is several years old, for exceed the legal limit of emission of electromagnetic waves set by the European Union. In Spain, for example, the OCU He has already requested temporary withdrawal while what happened is investigated.

Now, if you have a iPhone 12 at home and you use it daily, you are probably wondering what happens in that case. The ANFR claims that the phone exceeds the limit of 4 watts per kilogram when used close to the body, reaching 5.74 w/kg. However, It doesn’t seem like it’s a dangerous value.because the radiation limits required by the EU are 50 times lower than those necessary for the head temperature to increase by one degree.

At the moment, the OCU has published some measures to limit phone use and radiation exposure. For example, it recommends that consumers use headphones to talk on the cell phone and not have it stuck to our head; Do not try to talk in areas with poor coverage and keep him away from the little ones in the house.

The French Minister of Digital Transition and Telecommunications, Jean-Noël Barrot, blames this problem on an update after its release. Hence, the solution may be as simple as releasing another patch to reverse the situation.
