“I have already saved more than € 2000 for my dream wedding”

The wallet of…

Name: soraya
Age: 34
Residence: the Hague
Profession: consultant communication and work-life balance coach
Number of working hours per week: 32-42 hours
Salary (net): €2709
Relationship status: Single

Expenses per month

Mortgage: € 1200
VVE: €100

Gas water Light: €170
Municipal taxes: I pay the annual amount of € 664 in one go
Insurances: €40
Groceries: €120
Clothing: € 141
Car including petrol or public transport: €10 – €40
Phone: €35 (business account)
Internet and TV: €60
Other subscriptions: €15
Trips: €40
Holidays: €500
Charities: €0 – €40
investing: €200

Savings amount per month: €623
Balance on savings account: > €10,000

When you see the list like this, are you satisfied?

“Yes absolutely. Now I have to say that I am very conscious with my money. When I started running a business, more than two years ago, I decided for myself what I wanted to earn so that I wouldn’t have money stress. I am not on the money, but I do make sure that I make as few impulse purchases as possible and keep my finances organized. When I filled in this list, I did not encounter any surprises.”

You spend $500 a month on vacations. How often do you go?

“I go to Greece 8 to 10 times a year. Sometimes only 5 days, but often longer. I’ve been doing that for seven years. I organize my income ‘vacation first’, so I make sure that I can set aside € 500 each month to go on holiday. I work very hard and intensively, and therefore need to disconnect regularly. Shooting hard for a few weeks in a row and then taking a vacation works for me. My entire company is built around this system.”

Are there things you do to save money?

“When I go shopping, I keep an eye out for offers. Nor do I buy single meals, even though I am alone. I prefer to buy larger portions and last longer, which is also cheaper. I hardly ever buy clothes. In 2020 I took on that challenge with myself. I have a lot of clothes and 90 pairs of shoes and wanted to know if it would be possible not to buy anything anymore. I did that for two years and I still don’t buy much. I now look much more consciously at clothing, you can really live with less.”

Have you ever noticed that there are financial disadvantages to being single?

“When I travel alone, I pay more for a hotel room on my own than I would if I were with someone. However, I’m not much into that. Sometimes I hear couples complaining about inflation when they are lucky enough to be together. I also make sure that I manage it all on my own. Buying a house as a single entrepreneur is of course also very difficult. Fortunately, I bought my house when I was still employed. When I recently inquired if I could increase my mortgage for a renovation, I was told that they would not even provide me with my current mortgage anymore because I no longer have an employment contract. While I can pay that mortgage more easily now. But that’s a disadvantage of being an entrepreneur, not being single.”

Are you building up a pension now?

“Actually, I think I should be a bit more concerned with my pension. I think I will remain an entrepreneur for a long time to come, and I don’t want to get stuck with the baked pears later. At the moment I have a piggy bank for it, which goes into € 100 per month. I am also involved in investing. At one point I saw on Instagram that almost everyone of my generation is into investing. I was also touched by that hype. I took a course in investing, but found it very exciting. I was raised very risk averse when it comes to money. I must also honestly say that I play it safe. Every month I spend a fixed amount on shares and I want to do that for the next 10 to 15 years. Then I choose whether to sell my shares or invest the money elsewhere.”

Do you have any other savings goals?

“Yes, I have no less than 18 piggy banks. For example, one for new windows and furniture, but also one for fixed costs. I always want to have at least 6 times my monthly salary of € 2700 in this as a buffer. And oh yes, I also have a piggy bank for my wedding. I’m still single now, but if I could mr right encounter, then I am prepared. I would like a dream wedding with all the trimmings, and would regret it if I had to downsize due to lack of money. There is already € 2109 in the wedding jar, a magical number for me, because my birthday is September 21st.”

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May 14, 2022
