‘I had zero stress’, says overjoyed world champion Mathieu van der Poel

“This one is definitely in the top three of the most beautiful victories ever for me. I will remember it for a long time.” That said the brand new world champion cyclocross Mathieu van der Poel just after the finish in Hoogerheide. In a blood-curdling race, he narrowly beat his eternal rival Wout van Aert from Belgium in the final sprint. It is the fifth world title for Van der Poel.

Almost the entire cyclocross race, top favorites Van der Poel and Van Aert did not give each other a meter. The duel for the world title would therefore be decided in the final sprint. It was the apotheosis of a duel that transcends crossing in the mud.

“Everyone knows the story, how we have been pushing each other for ten years. And that will continue for a while. The road season will start soon. We have taken each other to a higher level, but also the sport. I have never seen so many people at a seen cross”, said Van der Poel afterwards.

“I was never stressed. Not even at the end.”

While tensions ran high for the tens of thousands of spectators along the side, knew VDP to keep his nerves in check. “I think that was necessary to win today. I had 0 stress and felt in control. Along the way I was the strongest. I never had any stress. Not even at the end.”

In the run-up to the Cyclocross World Cup, he carefully explored the course, which was set out by his father Adrie. “I knew the finish well. I’ve already fallen through the ice here with the promises. But I’m no longer the rider I was then. I have it much better under control now.”

“Today I had the best day of the season.”

And so Van der Poel remained cool until the end. “In the woods I did sprints uphill with David (his brother, ed.). I could use them here.”

Van der Poel deliberately chose position in Van Aert’s wheel and was the first to start in the final meters. “I expected him to go straight on coming onto the road. He’s given me a really hard time this cross season. But today I had the best day of the season.”

Mathieu van der Poel in the lead (photo: ANP).
Mathieu van der Poel in the lead (photo: ANP).


Phenomenon Van der Poel strikes again and takes fifth cyclo-cross world title

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