I guess Savolainen won the European Championship silver

Kiril Milov won the European Championship.

Arvi Savolainen won the European Championship silver. AOP

Arvi Savolainen23, wrestled the first adult medal of his career in Hungary.

Savolainen lost to Bulgaria’s 25-year-old in the final on Sunday Kiril Milovillewhich was stronger by 4-1.

The final of the 97-kilo series of Greco-Roman wrestlers started well for Savolainen. He led the match 1-0.

However, Milov began to get a better grip on himself after the middle. The Bulgarian was pushed out of Savolainen and leveled.

Then Savolainen got on the carpet. The opponent succeeded in the transfer and added 4-1 to the lead. Milov did not give up and took the win.

Ukrainian Vladlen Kozliuk won the bronze medal just before Savolainen’s match. He celebrated the victory with devotion and showed the audience the flag of Ukraine on his chest.

Konsta Mäenpää brought the European Championship bronze to Finland from the 130-kg series on Saturday.
