‘I get energy from everything that life offers’

Hugo van den Biggelaar: „I am always busy. I throw myself enthusiastically into my own plans and those of others. For example, a friend who is going to open a restaurant asked if I wanted to participate. Now I am a co-owner. Another friend does interview podcasts, which I’m on now. I do all this in addition to my job as a data marketer at Nike. My girlfriend and I also have a rich social life.

“But my main sideline activity is the Special Social Club, which is committed to helping people with intellectual disabilities come out of isolation. The Special Social Club is kind of my baby and I’m one of the proud daddies. It started with my brother Bob, who has autism. He used to go to parties with me because he likes people around him. But actually those parties gave him too many incentives. Then I started looking for entertainment options for people with disabilities, but it all turned out to be organized by healthcare: in the afternoon, without alcohol and people talked to me instead of Bob. It didn’t feel like ‘going out’.

“Then in November 2018 I organized something for this target group together with two friends. We called institutions for people with disabilities and told them we were going to throw a party. From eight in the evening to midnight, with alcohol. At a quarter to eight there was already a long queue at the door and the evening was a great success. They enjoyed themselves, courtships arose. I literally cried with happiness that night. It was clear: it was not to be a one-off party. So we set up a foundation. On Valentine’s Day 2019 we held a dating night, which was also heartbreakingly beautiful.

“Now the foundation has two permanent full-time employees, an office and an army of volunteers, who, among other things, work on a platform on which activities are listed for people with disabilities. The club has also become active in other cities and we participate in sporting events, such as the Amsterdam Marathon. People in wheelchairs also participate. We just pushed it over the finish line. We receive income from donations, but we are still looking for individuals and companies who want to sponsor our growth.”

Lockdown package

“My brother loves it all. His social network has not grown due to corona. And he didn’t already have a large network. Now he is DJ Bobo at club parties and has already made several friends. He has even played at a Heineken staff party with 900 people. As a brother, I think that’s great to experience.

“Bob lives in an assisted living group, where he has his own apartment, and is often with me. He is my best friend. Because of him I grew up with the message that you should make the best of your life. He has to fight every day, but is so optimistic. That helped us not to give up in corona time, but to continue the Special Social Club online: online quizzes, online bingo, online film. To connect with our community. We delivered lockdown packages to institutions with a disco ball, a playlist, brownie mix and streamers, so that they could have a party at home.

“Just as I feel passion for the Special Social Club, I also wanted a job in which I could express my passion. I have a bachelor’s degree in economics and finance and a master’s degree in finance and international management. But the hardcore financial world doesn’t suit me very well. I wanted to work for companies that I feel something about. With beautiful products and social responsibility† I want to be able to talk about my work with passion.

In my spare time I like to be outside. I do skiing, golf and mountaineering. Within five years I want to climb Mount Everest with friends. Two years ago we climbed Mont Blanc. Overwhelming! At the end of every year I think back to happy moments and in 2021 that was a moonlight walk and the sunrise on a glacier with a view of those mighty mountains. This year we want to go to Mount Elbrus in Russia. Fortunately, my girlfriend also likes to travel and adventure. In November we went to Jordan.”


“I find holidays not only fun, but also necessary. You get a different view of the world. In Jordan, for example, we had a very developed guide who spoke in love about his wife. Still, that woman had to call him every time she wanted to leave the house. That gives food for thought. But I also went to Ibiza last year, you know, lying on the beach with an empty head. I’m just someone with many interests.

“I recently bought a house. And I like going out for dinner and beautiful things, such as clothing and interior. So quite a bit of money is going out. I’ll see what the future brings. Corona has learned that things can turn out very differently than you think. I get energy from all that life has to offer, so I’m not going to limit myself. One of my favorite stories from Greek mythology is that of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun with wax wings. The wax melted and Icarus crashed. I do look a bit like him. But for now I want to keep pushing myself to do new things.”

In Rush Hour, couples and singles tell how they combine work and private life. Participate? Mail to [email protected]
