‘I found Nick & Simon tiring’

It was a big stunt by Eva Jinek last year after the summer break: after a turbulent period full of rumors, she was the one who was allowed to interview Nick & Simon. “I found it very tiring.”


So, so, so: there was a lot of fuss about Nick & Simon last summer. After a turbulent period of rumors about very strange behavior by Simon Keizer – he allegedly cheated on his lover in a disgusting way and invited all kinds of women to the man cave at his office – suddenly came the news that the duo would split up.

Shit on marbles

Well, that can’t be a coincidence, everyone concluded. And Yvonne Coldeweijer also knew it for sure: that Nick Schilder is simply sick of Simon’s behavior. The image that Nick is the saint of the two was shaken last month; then Yvonne released a bizarre rumor about an escort service.

Anyway: Nick & Simon broke up last summer and Eva Jinek caught them right after the summer break. The two of them came to her studio to explain why they were breaking up. Of course, all behavioral experts and facial expression readers immediately appeared in front of the TV and what did they see? Shit on the marble. They didn’t look at each other.


Eva asked the gentlemen point-blank about the rumors about their breakup, but they kept denying it. Row? No! Disagreement? Also not. “Liars,” Yvonne shouted after the interview. How does Eva herself look back on it? More than a year later, she is in an interview with the VARA guide a little more loose-lipped than then.

The reason for this interview is Eva’s second Sonja Barend Award, won for her conversation with face mask thief Camiel van Gesten. ‘Eva Jinek saw that it was good, with a beautiful tired look at the end. Bingo’, the jury report states, among other things. Eva responds to this: “This is exactly why television is my greatest love.”

Second of your face

When Eva interviews, she knows that the viewer and her guests are also watching her expression. “Regardless of everything you say and all the words you use – a second of your face can color a conversation and provide so much information.”

And that brings the conversation to Nick & Simon. “If you were to read the interview with Nick & Simon, for example, you would see something completely different than when you watch it: those are two different worlds. People are very attuned to visual information and if, like me, you have a lot of expression in your face, you see everything happening live.”

Tired of Nick & Simon

If we are talking about fatigue in a TV conversation, then that interview with Nick & Simon is the ultimate example, according to Eva. “Well, that fatigue… He kept insisting for 32 minutes that everything was fine. I think I found that tiring.”

Well, that’s quite a bold statement from Eva, more than a year later. Why does she stick to such a tired look during an interview and not just say what she thinks? “I don’t want to be the judge, but let the viewer choose.”
