“I feel good, but I am clear that there is not much left”


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The winger admits that he is in the final stretch of his career at Barça

Alba continue extending her professional career and sets the example of Joaquín

Jordi Alba (34 years old), who ends his contract with Barça in June 2024, has referred to his future in an interview on the program ‘Traveling with Chester’.

The full-back has ensured that he is physically well but that He is aware that his career at Barça is in the final stretch. “I feel good, but I am clear that there is not much left. Barça is a very demanding club, but I have many years of football left. I have this year and another year at Barça and then we will see”, he began by saying.

Alba gave the example of Joaquín to explain how footballers are increasingly extending their careers in the elite. “I played with Joaquín in Valencia and he is still 40 years old. The wear and tear is not only physical, but also mental, but until the body says enough is enough, for sure. I speak with colleagues and it is not easy, because you have been doing all your life this”.

In this sense, he has recognized that it is never easy for a footballer to find a routine when they hang up their boots. “There are colleagues who tell me that they wake up in the morning and don’t know what to do. I regret not having continued my studies. The year I went to Valencia I had to continue with the second year of high school and I left it. I will take all the Possible titles and I’m going to learn English. I already told my wife that we were going to wear the two of us,” he explained.

In this sense, he has explained how important the figure of his wife will be. “I am very lucky. Two children and another on the way. I am very happy. My wife has changed my way of thinking a lot. I maintain my values, but I see life in a different way. She has even changed the way I dress. She has more criteria than me. You always need a person who doesn’t dance your water and who doesn’t tell you only what you like to hear. My parents and my brother too, but the one who is there every day is her”.
