“I don’t want you to follow me”

Singer Anna Abreu sends greetings to her followers on Instagram.

Singer Abreu has recently received messages on social media that make the artist stand more and more audibly behind his own values. Abreu directs his words to anyone who has threatened to stop following him or listening to his music.

The reason for the messages has been Abreu’s opposition to “Riikka Purra’s actions and racism”. The singer now sends a joint message in the Stories section of her Instagram account.

– I don’t want you to follow me, I don’t need you to listen. I will always be against racism, homophobia, animal suffering, and all injustice. Quite publicly and openly. Point.

He advocates that public figures should use their visibility to their advantage.

– In my opinion, artists and public figures should stand behind their own values. I have a big platform and it would be a shame to use it for just superficial nonsense (which of course I also love sometimes). Fuck racism, the singer summarizes.

Anna Abreu stands firmly behind her own values. Inka Soveri
