I don’t need Çebi’s support – Last minute Beşiktaş news

Beşiktaş Club President Candidate Serdal Adalı said that he does not need the support of the current president Ahmet Nur Çebi. Adalı said, “I have not seen Ahmet Nur Çebi’s support, nor do I feel it. Mr. Çebi should not draw me into his fight with Hasan Arat and Fikret Orman. I do not need individual support at all.” Emphasizing that only the stadium has been completed among the projects announced before the election so far, Serdal Adalı said, “Apart from that, is there any project that was announced during the election time that has been completed? Unless you are sure about how it will be financed, when it will be completed, when it will return, unless you are completely sure of these, there will be no “My project description,” he said.


Adalı responded to a question about his merger with Hasan Arat as follows: “Let him come and look at basketball, let him look at the joint stock company. Things he knows and understands. I made the same offer. I said he is welcome, let him come and be the one. I have known Mr. Hasan for 45 years.” . Mr. Hasan is my brother, I do not disrespect him. We met more than 5-6 times in a year. I thank him for his nice words such as ‘Mr. Serdal is a very good person, he deserves this presidency very much, he would be a very useful president, a manager’, but when he is a candidate “I became a ‘matryoshka’ analogy. At that point, I said ‘I’m glad I became a candidate’. I feel good now because I said no to Mr. Hasan’s offers. It means he wasn’t sincere.”


Teacher Mehmet works in transfers. We have a very good scout team, we will further strengthen the scout team with additions, and we will also create a scout team abroad. We want to get the reports of the players we watch and want to transfer from both sides, compare them and reduce the margin of error to zero. We especially need to get the infrastructure in perfect shape as soon as possible and recruit 3-4 football players from there.


The cost of our current football team is around 80-85 million euros. We’ll get this team up somehow. We will part ways with the players who will incur costs during the halftime. We will bear this cost. With the 2-3 players we bought at this cost, we will be able to move the team up as soon as possible and get rid of the burden of 85-86 million euros at least at the beginning of next year.


Referring to adding Metin Keçeli to his list, Serdal Adalı said, “Me and Metin brother have a promise to each other for 2011 and 2012. I thank him, he did not break me. It will be a new management. I learned a lot of lessons when I joined the board of directors. I grew up with Beşiktaş upbringing. Friends who will be new to the management.” “I’m sure they will listen to Metin brother’s advice,” he said.


Metin Keçeli answered the question about Hasan Arat being the continuation of Seba and said, “During our time in management, the late Recep Yazıcı suggested his name to brother Süleyman. He said to me, ‘Check it, if he is a member, let’s take it.’ Then we took him into management and he was active with brother Süleyman for 1 year.” “I worked for 20 years. If someone is looking for the continuation of Süleyman brother, they should look at this administration,” he replied.
