“I don’t know how they messed up like this”

An American photographer says he found a valuable lens at a flea market at a real bargain price.

American PetaPixel photography website interviewed Luke says that he bought a Canon 50-millimeter L-series lens from a thrift store for only about seven euros.

Intended for demanding professional use and extremely bright, the 50-millimeter lens is an incredible find at this price, as new specimens cost more than 1,500 euros. Even used ones can fetch up to a thousand euros in stores.

The discovery was to go side by side

In an interview with PetaPixel, Luke said that he was already on his way when he noticed a cart being pushed by an employee, which was full of products that were about to be sold.

– I went to go through the items even before the employee was able to put them away and I spotted a Canon L-series lens, he described the situation.

At this point, Luke wasn’t all that excited. He didn’t know its price, and he couldn’t even say whether it was a real lens or, for example, a plastic mug that looked like a lens, the kind that were hit products about ten years ago.

A closer look, however, quickly revealed that it was the right lens. The price tag on the rear cap read $6.99 – that’s just under seven euros. Apparently, the flea market had mistaken the product for a mug and priced the item accordingly. No one had noticed that there was not an empty thermos mug under the lens cover, but top-class optics.

– I was shaking when I ran to the checkout, Luke said.

Watch the video of the flea find, shot by Luke and published by PetaPixel, below. The story continues below the video.

Work flawlessly

If a lens of this level is sold for seven euros, one could assume that it has serious problems in its operation.

According to Luke, however, the lens worked perfectly and was otherwise in great condition.

– I can’t believe I found this. I don’t know how they got it wrong, but I hope they don’t read this article, Luke said.

Luke bought his lens at a Goodwill recycling store, where the products for sale are priced by the staff.

Source: PetaPixel
