‘I did call Jan Uriot furiously’

Eva Jinek confirms that she called Jan Uriot furiously because of his claim that she would receive her questions through an earpiece. “I did call him angrily.”

© RTL, Telegraph

For four years, Eva Jinek and Jan Uriot have worked together on the television program Goedemorgen Nederland. “But then she started doing that talk show and then I once wrote in our newspaper that she uses an earpiece in which the questions are whispered,” said the star journalist of Privé recently.

Eve’s earpiece

Eva would have called him furiously and she now confirms this in the podcast that Jan makes with her regular table guest Marc-Marie Huijbregts, namely ‘Marc-Marie and Jan are not afraid of anyone‘.

The comedian remarks during a telephone conversation with Eva: “I told Jan that it is not at all appropriate that you get questions through your earpiece.”

The talk show diva: “Jan knows that too, because Jan has been so sporty to come to Hilversum.”

Called angry

What’s up with that? Eva: “Jan had written a piece of which the tenor was that I needed an earpiece to do my job. Then I did indeed call him angrily and then Jan was very sporty and he came to Hilversum.”

And then? “Then he stood in the corner of the control room during an entire broadcast to see with his own eyes that it was not the case. That no questions were whispered in my ear and he did that and then said it was the case.”


According to Jan, he did not make this up. “It was whispered to me. You understand: I don’t just write anything. It was whispered to me and then I thought: I’ll just type it on paper.”
