I can’t believe in a mistake and an accident

Alexei Chepa, First Deputy Head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, believes that Bild newspaper and Bloomberg published fake news not by mistake, but as a special provocation.

As the deputy said RIA Newsas a result, Russia’s reaction would be used to accuse her of aggression.

“If they have already announced that they invaded, someone can take certain actions from neighboring states, and these actions will lead to provocations, and provocations will have to be answered,” Chepa is sure.

The politician warned that such actions could have very serious consequences.

“I don’t know how Bloomberg could make such a statement. This is not just someone’s mistake. This is a very serious statement that any journalist would probably double-check ten times,” the deputy noted.

Dmitry Belik, a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, agrees that publications like Bild and Bloomberg reports are information attacks on Russia.

“Such information strikes, despite their absurdity, really create an unstable situation in the world, escalate panic, promote hysteria,” the politician stressed.

Dmitry Belik recalled that Bild is a tabloid whose authors are chasing sensations.

“But I want to ask a question: Who do you take your readers for by publishing such outright nonsense?”, the deputy is perplexed.

Earlier, the German tabloid Bild published a report by unnamed secret services about Russia’s alleged “plan” to annex Ukraine.

On Saturday night, Bloomberg reported the alleged start of Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine. The agency recognized the publication as erroneous and promised to launch an investigation.

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