“I am the only candidate who can avoid World War III”

donald trump Saturday was proclaimed as the only one capable of saving USA of the Democratic “warmongers” and of the “fools” of the Republican Party during an ultra-conservative forum in which Jair Bolsonaro warned that “his mission is not over yet” in Brazil. To cheers and applause, the former US and Brazilian presidents delivered speeches at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), held in a town near Washington.

As candidate for the republican nomination for the 2024 elections, Trump did not leave a puppet with a head. The New Yorker estimated that the country is metaphorically on its knees and that Americans must wage “an epic fight to rescue it” from those “who hate it and want to destroy it completely.” “We had a Republican Party that was run by weirdos, neoconservatives, globalistsopen-border fanatics and fools,” he said before mentioning some Republican personalities by name.

In his opinion, Americans were tired of “dynasty politics rooted in both parties, of rotten special interestsof politicians chinese lovers“and supporters of “endless foreign wars”, added the tycoon. Always hyperbolic and prone to exploiting the fears of the population, the Republican used the war in Ukraine to vindicate himself. “We’re going to have a Third World war if something doesn’t happen soon,” warned Trump, who disapproves of US aid to Ukraine. “I am the only candidate who can make this promise: I will avoid World War III“, he assured.

In almost two hours of speech, he reviewed his recurring themes, such as the 2020 presidential election result What did the democrat win? Joe Biden and that he considers fraudulent. He also lashed out at prosecutors “radical left” at a time when he could be brought to justice by the victims of the storming the capitol committed by his supporters in January 2021. And as always he brought up the immigration issue.

border chaos

The former president boasted of having deported tens of thousands of migrants and having begun to build a wall on the border with Mexico, stopped by Biden, and that he promises to expand if he returns to the White House. Trump denounced “utter chaos” at the border and accused several countries of “emptying their prisons, asylums and mental institutions and sending all their problems directly to the landfill: the United States.” Hundreds of thousands of migrants, the vast majority of whom are poor Latin Americans, attempt to cross the border into the United States in search of a better life or to flee violence in their countries.

The conservative convention had conspicuous absences such as the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantisand the former vice president Mike Pence, two possible opponents for 2024, to avoid being humiliated by Trump’s die-hard supporters. The only avowed rival of him, Nikki Haley, She lived it firsthand on Friday, being interrupted time and time again.

“I am your revenge”

And it is that the movement of Trump, ‘Make America Great Again’, has taken over the CPAC. During the convention, the room that hosts the main speeches was half empty, but it filled up when Bolsonaro and Trump took the stage.

“In 2016, I declared: I am your voice. Today, I add: I am your warrior, I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your revenge“Trump said.

Before him there were several panelists who flaunted their Christian values and condemned the rights of transgender people.

unfinished mission

The other star of the CPAC was Bolsonaro, who claims to have an “exceptional” relationship with Trump. “At this moment I thank God for my second life and also to him for the mission of being President of the Republic for one term, but I feel, deep down, that this mission is not over yet“, he affirmed before an audience that cheered him.

His second life began after the 2018 stabbing that left him sequelae for which he had to be hospitalized several times, one of them in Florida, in the southern United States, where he arrived in December, before the inauguration of his successor, the leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Bolsonaro, 67, once again complained about the election results.

“I had much more support in 2022 than in 2018. I don’t know why the numbers showed the opposite,” repeated Bolsonaro, who in February announced his intention to return “in the coming weeks” to his country, where Brazilian authorities are investigating whether or not he instigated assaults by his supporters against the presidential palace, Congress and the Supreme Court on January 8.

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In a speech punctuated by references to God and the Bible, Bolsonaro reiterated that he believes he has done “a good job.” “I remain faithful to our principles, to our motto, God, country, family and freedom.”
