“I am honest with myself and with my clients”

“I have been working for almost fifteen years in companies from different industries, agriculture, marketing and advertising, international trade and software, among others. My main experience is in the opening of markets at a general level, often representing companies from Argentina and others representing foreign companies in our country and taking their products to different markets. My experience in how to manage work groups, how to unify and strengthen the team and how to grow a company, comes from having held senior or managerial and leadership positions in most of the companies in which I worked”, says Mariano Niel, Lic. in Administration with a Master’s in Finance and one of the most recognized strategic coaches, as well as CEO at roomin.app, a tool for companies to create their own virtual spaces on Web 3.0.

– How important is training in strategic coaching?

I believe that education and training should be continuous, whatever it is. Even even in a hobby. Not to mention when it involves professional life. In fact, I myself am starting a course at the Leader Training School, with international certification. I understand that there is no ceiling in training. Every day you learn. And so it must be. Being a coach also implies recognizing what is not known and correcting it in order to transmit more and better knowledge. Coaching is not about changing or doing the function of the members of a company, but about giving them the materials and tools so that they can then do it on their own. And for that you have to continually prepare.

– How do you work with the employees of the companies that hire you?

I am honest with myself and with my clients. I work with employees with that same honesty. If I go to a company and I see that I cannot do what they need for X reason, I will tell them and I will advise them who can do it and guide them in that regard. The same thing that I apply to myself, I do to people. You have to analyze the capabilities of each one and also what their limitations are. Not to separate them from the group, but so that they themselves can ask for help or say this is as far as my knowledge goes.

– Do you have plans or packages of armed services?

Each company is unique and I need to have two or three talks with them so they can tell me about their structure, how they work and their objectives, so that I can develop a specific plan. This is so because the nature and purpose of each company makes it unique and different from the rest. Putting together a canned package, IMHO, would be a serious mistake!

Mariano Niel Quesada

WhatsApp: +54 9 11 55055768

Mail: [email protected]

IG: @coachaldia


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