Huub Hangop is sick of the frikandellen after carnival without a sandwich maker

Where most carnival celebrants wake up with a beer hangover, one question gives Huub Hangop a headache. “Where is my sandwich maker?”, the singer wondered in his carnival hit this year. He got frikandellen in abundance, but his sandwich maker is still missing.

Written by

Eve Hendriks

“I searched everywhere. In Roosendaal, Geffen and on Tuesday evening I last dug out the big tent on the Stadhuisplein in Eindhoven,” says Hangop dejectedly.

“I’ve had enough frikandellen now.”

The carnival artist could count on the support of other partygoers during his performances. “I had secretly expected some grilled cheese sandwiches from the audience, but I was mainly offered frikandellen and croquettes. I’m not a fan of fried foods, so I’ve had enough of that now.”

Help also came from an unexpected quarter. “The Mediamarkt even had a special offer for me.”

“Maybe I should look under my bed.”

Determined, he continues to search. “Maybe I should look under my bed and otherwise I will just keep singing.”
