Hurry-Up has to share points in the end

HANDBALL – A spot in the left-hand row of the BENE-League was up for grabs for Hurry-Up tonight, but due to a draw against Visé (30-30), Joop Fiege’s formation remained in seventh place.

After 29-29, both teams scored once more in the tail. With a few moments to play, goalkeeper Hurry-Up Boris Tot prevented Visé from winning during the last home game of the BENE-League season.

In the first half Hurry-Up came back from 6-8. With seven goals, Sjoerd Boonstra was on target. The orange shirts gave up the lead (10-8) again.

Riksten stays longer

After the break (12-13), Sverre Jansen helped Hurry-Up on the right side of the score again. The left builder found the net four times in a row. Brent Riksten took it one step further with the 21-18.

The only 18-year-old builder has extended his contract in Zwartemeer. Riksten came over from Eredivisionist E&O in the summer and can already make many playing minutes under Fiege. “More than I first thought,” he admits. “I face bears during training. That helps my level up. Next season I want to be even more of value to Hurry-Up.”

Vermeer’s first home goal

At 22-18, Hurry-Up seemed to be pulling the strings at home. Five minutes before the end, the guests from Wallonia, who had switched to a more offensive form of defense, were level again. At the end, the home crowd went down twice: during Bernie Vermeer’s first home goal since his injury and the division of points.

Due to the draw, Hurry-Up remains in the right-hand row of the BENE-League. Next week the Zwartemeerders will close the competition against Bevo and in the spring the men of Fiege will play for the national title. “The coverage went well today for a long time and then we really have to reward ourselves”, Riksten concludes.
