Hurricane zones in the Atlantic region wordt “intenser dan normaal” | Buitenland

Het orkaanseizoen zal dit jaar long de Atlantic coast intenser than normal zijn met three tot zes hurricanes of category 3 of the sea. That is the case with forecasts from the American meteorological services.

For this reason, since June 1st and November 30th, between August 14th and 21st, the storms are guarded against the future. Three totses van deze storms can uitgroeien tot big hurricanes with windsnelheden van at least 178 kilometers per hour.

“When the wind blows in the wind, it is said that the last year op rij was a higher orkaanactiviteit than normal,” explains Rick Spinrad, responsible for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), uit. “It is important that there is a strong storm in front of the house, and there are also common areas in the area. Prior processing is enormously important.”

Due to the fact that the office has a large number of tropical storms that are related to the climatic conditions of La Niña, the known word is noted for the abnormal location of the water temperatures, higher than normal temperatures on the upper surface of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribische Zee, small trade winds in Germany Atlantic Oceaan en sterkere moessonregens in West Africa. The most recent changes in the Afrikaans tropical climate are those that create the strongest and longest-lasting hurricanes.

Volgens de Amerikaanse weerdiensten was het orkaanseizoen 2021 het op twee na most actieve in terms van benoemde stormen.
