Hurricane Festival 2022, Day 3: Photos by Kings Of Leon, The Hives, Nura, Kontra K & Co.

Done: Hurricane and Southside 2022 are history, and it should have been a good one for everyone present. We provided you with our impressions in pictures and text over the entire weekend, and now, in addition to our Sunday follow-up report by Kristina Baum, there are tons of great photos by Günther Rojahn and Dieter Jakob. He informed us: “For me personally the best day of all, but that’s the way it has to be. The best always comes last. Unfortunately, there was also a rain shower at times… but there was no more dust afterwards. My conclusion: After the break, the spectators were starved for live music and celebrated all the bands properly. Everything went peacefully and there was a lot of mutual consideration. The festival has become more female, even on the drums, an area that has long been considered a male domain, more and more women can be seen. And they did their job more than properly.”

See photos above from Press Club, Hot Milk, Skindred, Alice Merton, Blues Pills, Tones + I, Royal Blood, Thees Uhlmann & Band, The Hives, Kontra K, Bring Me The Horizon, Rise Against, Kings of Leon, among others , Mine and Nura in the gallery. And here is an overview of Friday and Saturday. See you next year!
