Hunks star Jucci Hellström has cancer

The performer wanted to tell about his surprising diagnosis himself before possible rumors.

Scandinavian Hunks founding member Jucci Hellström says Stop– magazine that he has cancer. The performer received his arresting diagnosis about a month ago.

– So I have cancer, a shocked Hellström reveals to Seiska.

The Hunks dance group, founded in 2001, is saying goodbye to its audience on its soon-to-start farewell tour, but due to its changed situation, Hellström will not be seen on stage.

The performer is slowly preparing for his cancer treatments. Diagnosed rectal cancer is treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy before surgery.

– The worst thing that could happen to me is a weakening of the ability to exercise and cancer. Well, now I have them both, Jucci commented on his illness.

Iltalehti could not reach Jucci.
