Hunks-Mauno tells about the well-being of a member who had a seizure

The first performance of the Scandinavian Hunks tour ended earlier than expected due to a sudden illness.

Mauno would like to thank the public in Hyvinkää, who were understanding and well involved in a surprising situation. Mikko Huisko

One of the founding members of Scandinavian Hunks Petri “Mauno” Ahonen commented to Iltalehte about the mood of yesterday’s performance and the condition of the sick member.

The hunks performed on Friday night in the Hyvinkää hall at the first gig of their 20-year tour. As the evening drew to a close, one of the group members had a seizure, for which he was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

According to Hunks Mauno, the moment stopped the show, and scared both the performers and the audience.

– Of course it scares everyone. And that is the first concern in what has happened. I was very worried about my dear friend and what was happening here.

Despite the surprising and shocking situation, there was a quick reaction on stage and in the stands and the group member got help right away.

– Fortunately, the group itself had a family nurse and an orderly supervisor. The performer was taken to the back room. A big thank you to the fact that a few doctors and paramedics from the audience were also able to help.

Although the Hunks have been performing together for a couple of decades, there has never been such an arresting moment in their ranks before. According to Mauno, there have been injuries, such as knee and ankle injuries, but nothing like yesterday.

– Yesterday was the first and hopefully the last, he specifies seriously.

Performer’s condition

Over the course of 20 years, the Hunks have become a close-knit group, where each member is an important part of the whole and joint performances. Rosa Bröijer

Mauno, who has just arrived in Kotka, reveals that the shows will continue as usual despite the illness. The continuation of the performances of the whole group is facilitated by the good news they received in the morning.

– The performer got home already at night, and now everything is fine. Of course, we hope that the tour will continue for him as well, but we will give him time to rest, Mauno says with relief.

According to current information, there was nothing serious behind the illness, although the situation on stage itself was serious for the performer. It was a severe cramping condition caused by loss of nutrition and fluids.

Mauno describes the whole group as relieved by the information they received regarding the performer. The sudden situation also brought the whole group together and showed how warmly the common Hunks heart beats.

– Surely certain kinds of adversity always make the group closer. The group’s love for everyone comes out.

– It’s great that we got this information quickly and we’re moving forward again, he describes his current feelings.

Mauno and Jucci told Iltalehte how it feels when the Hunks end.
