Hungary should preside over the Council of the EU next year, but MPs want to block that: “This is the moment of truth” | News

update“The European Union cannot be led by an autocratic leader passing anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and demonstrating his friendship with Putin week in and week out.” European Parliament member Hilde Vautmans (Open Vld) describes in one sentence the unease in Brussels about the upcoming Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union. On Thursday, the European Parliament voted with a large majority on a resolution to try to stop that.

Yorick Dupon

Latest update:

own reporting, Belgium

In addition to the Greens, the Christian Democrats, the Social Democrats, the Liberals and the far left also supported the resolution. Of the Belgian MEPs, Vlaams Belang voted against, N-VA abstained. The resolution was eventually approved by 442 votes to 144, with 33 abstentions.

The Presidency of the Council of the European Union is an important event for a Member State. During a period of six months, diplomats from that country are responsible for ensuring that European legislation runs smoothly. The various meetings of the national line ministers must in fact be prepared. For example, it is now Sweden that is discussing the controversial nature restoration law with the other EU countries.

Second half of 2024

From July to December 2024 it will be Hungary’s turn, according to the rotation that was agreed a few years ago. That makes ministers and MPs nervous, because the rights of LGTBTQ+ people in Hungary are still at risk and the rule of law is not independent.

Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield of the Green Group is drawing the resolution in the European Parliament, in which the Christian Democratic, Socialist, Liberal and Left groups are also participating. © Michel Christen

“Until now, it was a taboo to talk about the Hungarian presidency,” explained Green Group MP Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield during a press conference on Wednesday morning. The French points out that Hungary is presiding over the Council just after the European elections. “During this presidency, you set the next five years of the EU in motion. The new European Commission will then be questioned and the war in Ukraine will not be over yet,” she says.


MEPs demand member states to sideline Hungary. It is unclear how this should be done, because there are no procedures or rules for this. “We have to invent them, because even experts don’t know how it should go. But we’ve been doing that since we started sanctioning Hungary,” said Delbos-Corfield.

Dutch MP Sophie in ‘t Veld of the Liberal Group suggests during the press conference of the five major political groups that Hungary can be pushed aside by not cooperating with the country from the European Parliament. However, this can slow down the legislative process considerably.

Hilde Vautmans (Open Vld) in the European Parliament.
Hilde Vautmans (Open Vld) in the European Parliament. © Alexis Haulot

Also for Belgian Member of Parliament Hilde Vautmans of the Liberal Group, Hungary cannot preside over the Council of the European Union. “This is the moment of truth. Now the European Union and especially the Member States must show that they really take our common values ​​and standards seriously. It is clear to me: no values ​​and norms? Then no place in Europe, and certainly no European money,” she writes in a press release.

“Complete nonsense”

Hungary’s Justice Minister Judit Varga dismissed the entire discussion as “complete nonsense” on Tuesday. She criticized “the political pressure” of the European Parliament, which she says refuses to accept the result of the elections in Hungary and meddles in matters in which it has no role to play.

Judit Varga, the Hungarian Minister of Justice.
Judit Varga, the Hungarian Minister of Justice. ©AFP

Hungary also held the presidency in 2011. This time it would be the first time that a Member State has done so while a so-called Article 7 procedure is pending against it. This procedure must ensure that the Member States respect the fundamental values ​​of the EU. In addition, billions of euros in subsidies for Budapest are also blocked due to shortcomings in the fight against corruption and the independence of the media and judiciary.

Poland’s turn in 2025

On Tuesday, ministers in Brussels held further hearings under the Article 7 procedure. Not only with Hungary, but also with Poland, the only other Member State against which this procedure has been launched. Poland is scheduled to take over the presidency from Hungary in January 2025.
