Hungary does not belong in NATO either

Viktor Orban during his victory speech on Sunday.Image Getty Images

The editorial on the elections in Hungary rightly states that governments that do not respect pluralism, the rule of law and minority rights have no place in the EU. ‘They affect the EU’s internal cohesion and credibility.’

Another factor in these countries is not discussed. Hungary and Poland are NATO members. NATO should not deviate here from the same values ​​that EU member states must adhere to. Poland, Hungary and Turkey (not an EU member, but would like to become one) do not belong to NATO. With the war in Ukraine, NATO can increase the pressure on these countries and, if necessary, suspend them from membership. That will be a military risk, but in the end it does not outweigh the values ​​one stands for.

Ed KampersWooden

19 degrees

In the ‘Zetookdeknopom’ campaign, Dutch people are asked to set the thermostat to 19 degrees and to shower for a maximum of 5 minutes. I heard Climate Minister Jetten say in Buitenhof that if one million households complied with this, 7 percent less Russian gas would be needed.

Apparently the government does not dare to suggest not to shower every day. There is absolutely no need to shower every day if you are not doing heavy physical work and perspiring as a result. In addition, it is very bad for your skin. So: just shower every two or three days and we’ll be off Russian gas.

Pim ZaalbergAnloo

19 degrees (2)

Minister Jetten forces government buildings to set the thermostat to 19 degrees. Minister De Jonge of Housing thinks it will take a few months for this. Let’s just hope that by the time the thermostat is set to 19, summer won’t just arrive and the air conditioners will cool down en masse to 19 degrees.

Julius van DamZwolle

excise duty

With the reduction in the petrol excise tax, we finally have Kok’s penny back (the penny was still in the old guilder, so the current 15 euro cent is 30 cents).

Willemijn VeenThorn


Dear Teun van de Keuken, you are indeed becoming a populist. Imaging and pragmatism are important parts of the political game. Always been. With populists there is no content, only drumroll (or imagery). So: zoom out every now and then and realize that many problems have no easy solutions. Even if you think so.

Chretien CuijpersApeldoorn


Why is there a lot of smoking in the famous series about Pim Fortuyn? Is that really necessary? We do understand that Fortuyn smoked cigars. As an example, see Kenneth Branagh’s Oscar-nominated film Belfast. Set in 1969, in an environment where there was also a lot of smoking at the time. But there is not a cigarette in sight without this detracting from the quality of the film. And I bet no one noticed. When will the nonsensical smoking in films and series finally stop?

Evert LamfersNijmegen

angry mother

I fully understand that there are arguments as to why Ianthe Mosselman assumes she did not have postpartum depression. Yet her main argument is not valid. You do not make or reject the diagnosis yourself, especially not through self-study on the internet or reading the books she mentions. A diagnosis is made or rejected by a trained counselor. So the big question is why she hasn’t consulted her GP about the complex problems she describes. And no: he will not immediately sprinkle with medicine, as she fears.

Filip BorstDelft


Norway is considering whether it can donate the profits made from the war on oil and gas to a good cause (Ukraine). During the corona crisis, supermarkets have made significant profits for two years. Even then it was suggested to use those profits for a good cause. That was just never found. Is it an idea not to let store prices rise and to use that corona profit for that? Good cause right?

Willemijn VeenThorn

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