Hundreds of tickets for seriously ill Maudy: ‘I’ve got a day job!’

To cheer up his very sick sister Maudy (24), who is confined to bed. That was the big goal of Jordie from Mill when he set up a ticket promotion last Friday. And with success: within a few days hundreds of personal cards full of beautiful messages have arrived in Mill. Maudy is beaming, and so is Jordie.

Maudy was diagnosed with a progressive muscle disease a few years ago. Her situation has deteriorated a lot lately. She spends so much time in bed because her breathing is severely deteriorating.

“We would like to give Maudy something positive.”

“Lying in bed gives her peace in itself, but she misses the cheerfulness around her very much. She has brought so much joy to our family: crazy, funny, wonderful and unexpected moments. The situation is as it is, but want to we give her something positive that she can enjoy from her bed, something that expands her little world a little bit,” Jordie explained on Friday.

He characterizes his sister, who has an intellectual disability, as someone who ‘always jumped at everyone’. “Within two minutes you were her best friend and you got a kiss on the cheek. She misses that euphoria a bit now.”

“Three hundred tickets on Saturday, it almost made me cry.”

That’s why he wanted to do something for Maudy. Something that would cheer her up. Then he came up with the idea of ​​asking people to send her a card. That call on social media was shared many hundreds of times and the post is now flowing into Mill.

“It is not normal,” Jordie told the radio program ‘Wakker!’ on Tuesday morning. on Omroep Brabant. “Saturday the postman came and already three hundred cards arrived. On Saturday morning already! It almost made me cry. Now the counter is at more than four hundred!”

“A lot of people put so much effort into it!”

And it didn’t stop there. “Dozens of balloons have also arrived, presents, crocheted stuffed animals and chocolate. On Sunday and Monday hardly any mail arrives at our Mill, so this Tuesday we also expect a mountain.”

All the attention Maudy does very well. “Every day we are unpacking cards for five hours and reading the messages from acquaintances and strangers. People who support her or have written a beautiful poem. That is very noticeable, a lot of people have put so much effort into it, have completely filled the cards.”

It does his sister a lot of good. “Maudy is enjoying all the cards and impressions so much! We filter out some sentences, I must admit, to convey everything very positively. But every card really puts a smile on her face. It is so overwhelming I almost have a wonderful day job because so many people have responded to the call!”

If there are more people who want to do Maudy a favor by sending something sweet, they can do so to the address Meulenveldt 2, 5451 HV in Mill.

ALSO READ: Make very sick Maudy happy with tickets: ‘She misses the cheerfulness very much’

Maudy (left) and Jordie (photo: Facebook Jordie).
Maudy (left) and Jordie (photo: Facebook Jordie).
