Hundreds of protesters gather at gay monument after Pride . assault

Several hundred protesters have gathered at the gay monument in Amsterdam to demonstrate against violence against the LGBTI community. In the night from Friday to Saturday, a woman was allegedly assaulted by the driver after a ride with another woman in an Uber taxi.

According to the women, the driver would have done that after they kissed each other, writes The Parool. The police confirmed to AT5 that ‘something has happened’ and announced this afternoon that an investigation is being conducted into the possible assault.

The police said it was the taxi driver who first contacted them. According to the man, there was an unpleasant situation with customers, a police spokesperson said. The driver’s car was also allegedly spat on.

Driver on non-active

Uber calls it ‘terrible what happened’ to Het Parool and says that the man has been suspended. “Everyone has the right to a safe ride and we take this matter very seriously. The safety of all users of our app is a top priority and this incident needs to be thoroughly investigated.” Uber also said it has offered help to the police in the investigation.
