Hundreds of pro-abortion demonstrations in United States | Abroad

Earlier this week, several major progressive organizations had called for masses to take to the streets today to demonstrate for the right to abortion as the US Supreme Court threatens to overturn that justice.

Abortion has been legal in the United States since 1973. The Supreme Court then ruled in the famous case ‘Roe versus Wade’ that the right to live life free from unnecessary government interference also applies to an unwanted pregnancy.

At the beginning of this week, the political news website ‘Politico’ published a draft opinion that the US Supreme Court wants to overturn the landmark ruling. Chief Justice John Roberts acknowledged the document’s authenticity, but added that it is not a definitive position.

Across America, mostly women have taken to the streets to protest — but some for — the Supreme Court’s plans.

Pro-abortion demonstrations have also been taking place in Europe in recent days, including in Germany and Croatia:
