Hundreds of new jobs due to the arrival of foreign companies | 1Limburg

The arrival of foreign companies in Limburg has created hundreds of new jobs in the past year.

In 2021, thirteen new foreign companies have established or expanded their branches in our province. That was good for 977 new jobs, according to the annual report of development company Liof.

Two million profit
Liof invested almost 240 million euros for the arrival or expansion of these thirteen entrepreneurs. Under the line, Liof achieved a profit of two million euros last year. More than 62 companies received a loan in 2021 to get through the corona crisis. In the first corona year, 2020, a loss of more than six million euros was written and 55 companies received a corona loan.

The regional development company Liof supports the Limburg economy. Promising starters or entrepreneurs with new ideas can receive advice and financing from Liof. The Liof also tries to interest foreign entrepreneurs in settling in our province and society values ​​economic cooperation with Germany and Belgium.

Uncertainty remains
“The financial, but also the operational result was positive despite corona,” says Liof director Tys van Elk. “That result is important, because the negative consequences of the pandemic and the crisis in Ukraine are not yet fully foreseeable in many sectors.”

trade missions
In addition to foreign entrepreneurs, 19 million was invested in 170 innovation projects at companies. About an equal amount was paid out to companies in investments. Despite travel restrictions, Liof organized three trade missions for Limburg entrepreneurs who want to do business abroad. 21 Limburg companies took part.

Although corona particularly hit the catering, shops, culture and tourism sector, Liof saw a strong recovery of the economy last year. At the same time, the future remains uncertain with the virus returning or not and the political situation in Ukraine and Russia.

In the coming years, Liof wants to work hard on sustainability and encourage companies to focus on the energy transition, on circularity, health and digitization. This is because of the growing environmental pressure on earth, the increasing scarcity of raw materials and the growing influence of technology.
