Hundreds of Haarlem residents make themselves heard for Ukraine: “Grandpa and grandma are underground”

About 300 Haarlem residents have expressed their support for Ukraine this afternoon because of the Russian invasion. Around 5 pm, the Grote Markt was filled with people with blue-yellow flags and protest signs. Mayor of Haarlem Jos Wienen gave a short speech at the start.

“We say no to violence, we say yes to freedom,” Wienen said during the speech. “Haarlem sympathizes with Ukraine.” Both people with Ukrainian roots and people who have no family in the country came to the protest this afternoon.

The family of Xenia from Haarlem lives in Ukraine. She had come to the Grote Markt with a protest sign. “It makes me happy to see so many people from Haarlem. I was in Amsterdam yesterday, but I think there are more people here. It hurts me a lot to see what is going on there.”

‘Luckily they have food’

Serhiy’s parents are currently in an air raid shelter in Ukraine. He came to the meeting this afternoon with his wife and two children. “My father is from Ukraine and my grandfather and grandmother still live there,” says one of his daughters. “They are under the ground at the moment. That is not nice, but luckily they have something to eat.”

Russian people in the region also came to the Grote Markt. “We’re not supposed to kill each other,” says Maria Adao, who has lived here for years now. “I came here to support Ukraine. What is happening now is not normal.”

A lot of people who have no family in the country have come to show their support, including Piet and Ellen from the Leidsebuurt. “This is all we can do,” says Piet. “You feel so powerless. That idiot Putin who does it. I fear the worst, but I hope it will be over soon.”

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The protest was an initiative of members of the Haarlem city council. They had called on Haarlemmers to come to the Grote Markt.

More actions

There are more expressions of support for Ukraine in the city. Since the invasion by Russia, the carillon of the Bavo Church has played every hour part of the national anthem from Ukraine. The tower of the church is also illuminated in blue-yellow† As of tonight, the Welgelegen Pavilion, better known as the provincial house, will also be lit up in the colors of Ukraine.

Earlier today, the municipality made it clear that it – as the first municipality in the Netherlands – wants to receive refugees from Ukraine. “If the cabinet and the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers submit a request for this, we are prepared to do so,” said a spokesperson for the municipality. know to Haarlem105/NH News.
