Hundreds of artisan bakers turn off lights in shops

Hundreds of artisan bakers turn off lights in shops

The bakers replace the light in the shops with candlelight. They call it a ‘velvet protest’ that is public-friendly, but which sends a clear message to consumers and politicians. The campaign comes from the Netherlands, where a hundred bakers unpack with the slogan ‘We want to bake, that gives us energy’.


In recent months, artisanal companies that have existed for more than 100 years have been forced to close their doors or file for bankruptcy in recent months. According to activists, baking bread is the first necessity of life. This is no longer feasible with current energy prices.

According to the activist bakers, the government has so far paid too little attention to the explosive energy prices in the bakery sector, or they have not sufficiently understood the real consequences. Bakker Jan from Izegem supports the action and literally turns off the light. He hopes that’s not for good.
