‘Humberto Tan not suitable for Summer guests? Pedantic talk!’

Johan Fretz is deeply disappointed in the duo Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen. They think that Humberto Tan does not have enough status to join Zomergasten. “Pedant talk!”


Humberto Tan is one of the guests in Zomergasten this year, but according to the NPO duo Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen, the presenter does not belong there at all. “That is the bankruptcy of Zomergasten”, says Marcel. And Gijs: “How funny that he has been doing this work for so long and still likes something so clumsy.”

white progressive bullshit

Parool columnist Johan Fretz finds it very derogatory. He is disappointed in Gijs and Marcel. “I enjoy listening to Gijs and Marcel every day, but this is embarrassing: the canal belt incarnate thinks that Humberto Tan, one of the most successful presenters in TV makers in the Netherlands for decades, heralds ‘the bankruptcy of Zomergasten’.”

“And then you probably don’t realize that this is typical of that white progressive Volkskrant bullshit, which many of us recognize all too well. Get comfortable in it. Whoops, Humbert! ❤️??✨,” he writes on Instagram.

‘Sounds like Jan Smith?’

A follower tells Johan that he understands the criticism: “Well, to be honest, I don’t stay home for Humberto either. I don’t care what his origin is. What makes someone one of the most successful presenters? If they had asked Jan Smit for Zomergasten, they would have filleted Jan Smit.”

What nonsense, John replies. He sums up: “Sonja Barend Award, two Zilveren Televizier-Sterren, Broadcaster of the year, at the top in sports/football for thirty years, extremely long, in other facets/genres also for about 15 years. Intriguing life story/life path with a very powerful perspective on the relationship between Suriname and the Netherlands.”

State of service

So a decent track record. “And a master of law who was one of the few who ever finally talked Wilders under the table,” emphasizes Johan. “Does that sound like Jan Smit? The comparison is an insult.”

He continues: “A TV maker with such a track record. What would he be looking for in a program that is about your ideal TV evening?”


Is there racism here? Johan: “I don’t call it racism anywhere, I just think it’s remarkably pedantic canal belt talk to call such a well-read and intelligent man, with such a successful career in so many areas, ‘the bankruptcy of Zomergasten’.”

He concludes: “Just ask yourself: would they also have called it the bankruptcy of Zomergasten if Beau, Jinek, Matta van Nieuwkerk or JJ Pauw had been there? The answer is no. Call it especially ‘racism map’, I just call it striking. That’s all.”

pathetic country

The well-known twitterer Stylistologist van de Sterren agrees with Johan. “So Humberto Tan is too small for Zomergasten, but Hans Klok is not. What a pathetic country we are at times,” she says.

“I’m just amazed at the resistance to Humberto as Summer Guest while someone like Hans Klok is blessed. I think it’s crazy.”
