Humanitarian ship Ocean Viking has 234 migrants on board on reddsacties on Middellandse Zee | Buitenland

In the night of Dinsdag op Woensdag, 56 canteens will be offered in an oversized boat in international waters near the Italiaanse island of Lampedusa. A list of 32 others has been reported for the art of Malta, from SOS Méditerranée on Twitter.

The two new redddingen come in two rounds, four other operaties are open weekends and bring a total of overlevenden the recent door of the teams of SOS Méditerranée and the Internationale Federatie van Rode Kruis- en Rode Halvemaanverenigingen (IFRC) aan boord van de Ocean Viking zijn brought op 234

At the beginning of the year there were 1,762 migrants living on the Middellandse Zee. Last year, what followed was a notification of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) that said 2,062 doden and missen op de Middellandse Zee.
