Huis blazed away in the black explosion in the forest of buizen gas suffering: “Hallucinant, the brokstukken vlogen tientallen meters ver” | Kortrijk

UpdateIn Kortrijk there was a explosion in a cracked building. Around 7.30 p.m. at the top of the Beukenlaan there was an enormous bang. The slachtoffer will be found on the street. The clap was so strong that the voorgevel of winning het begaf. Opmerkelijk: a diefstal van Buizen zorgde ervoor dat gas zich ophoopte.

The picture of the net on the explosion is at the same time as high as the amperage and is overshadowed by the social gathering. At 7.30 p.m. there was a prop in the building of the gas station with an enormous bang. A cracker, the moment in the wonning bleef of the net on the street was, raked as a miracle with little light. The prop in the gastoevoer the dead of ontploffing sufferde, zat he never toevallig. He was recently a diefstal van a van de vermoedelijk koperen buizen. Then the suffering will be afgesloten and hoopte the gas zich op met de ontploffing dead.

Harde trillingen

Mansoer El’murzayev (17) and his brother Malik (14) were then toen de explosion zich voordeed. The employees won their first meeting in the Berkenlaan, with their grandchildren within the meter of the meeting. “Uit he never plots a thing,” says Mansoer. “Het drong niet onmiddellijk door dat die van buiten kwam. My broer en ik were he van overtuigd that he within bij ons iets was beurd. We lived in the mountains and also hard trillingen, a second time of vijf, with a sound that met the second time luider began te klinken. “Then we’re going to be there.”

(Les verder under the photo)

Mansoer El’murzayev (17, right) and Zijn broef Malik (14) won the ontplofte woning in Kortrijk. © Hans Verbeke

Overall broken

The brothers were in an oorlogs zone. “Overall he was broken, dead before one won toe,” they say. “The house is on fire and we don’t want anyone to cry out to us. “It was a hallucinating table.” The brand fire is very quick to control and the bleed is still heard when the flames are blown in the gas suffering and the noise is too bad. The politie evacueerde tientallen residents. The majority of people will be accompanied by the taxes in the street, others will be welcomed in the building. We’re guarded around 22 o’clock and we’re close to the house so we can have it.

Beelden van net na de feiten.  The river is on the street.
Beelden van net na de feiten. The river is on the street. © Hans Verbeke

The explosion blew the roof away from the Leegstaande river along the Beukenlaan in Kortrijk.
The explosion blew the roof away from the Leegstaande river along the Beukenlaan in Kortrijk. © Hans Verbeke

The explosion blew the dak and the river away from the Leegstaande Rijwoning in the Beukenlaan in Kortrijk.  Ook the nearby goods were damaged.
The explosion blew the dak and the river away from the Leegstaande Rijwoning in the Beukenlaan in Kortrijk. Ook the nearby goods were damaged. © Hans Verbeke

The explosion blew the dak and the river away from the Leegstaande Rijwoning in the Beukenlaan in Kortrijk.  Ook the nearby goods were damaged.
The explosion blew the dak and the river away from the Leegstaande Rijwoning in the Beukenlaan in Kortrijk. Ook the nearby goods were damaged. © Hans Verbeke

The explosion blew the dak and the river away from the Leegstaande Rijwoning in the Beukenlaan in Kortrijk.  Ook the nearby goods were damaged.
The explosion blew the dak and the river away from the Leegstaande Rijwoning in the Beukenlaan in Kortrijk. Ook the nearby goods were damaged. © Hans Verbeke

Brandweer op zoek naar eventuele slachtoffers tussen het puin.
Brandweer op zoek naar eventuele slachtoffers tussen het puin. © Hans Verbeke

He will be installed in a large perimeter.
He will be installed in a large perimeter. © Hans Verbeke
