Hugo Yasky: “We are calling to mobilize throughout the country”

The Secretary General of Central of Argentine Workers (CTA) Hugo Yasky declared in the media his total repudiation of the attempted assassination of the vice president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. The national deputy of front of all He gave notice of a union measure in the face of what happened.

“We will have a meeting with the CGT to discuss how the labor movement takes a position on this fact”, were the words of the legendary leader, from the teaching field. In addition, to these statements, I add: “We are calling to mobilize throughout the country”

On the political situation, the deputy gave his point of view: “I know that there are people in the opposition who would be willing to go down the steps in a kind of political construction of hatred, but I do not think that some others will assume a commitment to democracy.”

With these proposals, the trade unionist warns, together with other referents of the political space of Cristina Kirchner about a meeting protesting the political and social situation. Several leaders of Peronism and Kirchnerism joined with similar proposals due to the frustrated assassination attempt on the former president.

The vice president was attacked this Thursday when she arrived at her home in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Recoleta. As she got out of the car, a crowd of supporters awaited her. A man, who was later arrested, approached her, pointed a 38-caliber pistol at her and pulled the trigger. Although the gun was loaded, the bullet did not come out. The assailant was identified as Fernando Andres Sabag Montiel and taken away by the security forces. What happened on Thursday at 9:00 p.m., between Juncal and Uruguay streets, caused the president Alberto Fernandez repudiate the fact and enact a national holiday for this Friday.

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