Hugo Metsers ‘shocked’ by stories about abuse of power at his acting training | show

Metsers said in a response to the ANP today that he was shocked by the reports. ,,It is close to my heart and I take it very seriously that there are former students who have unpleasant feelings about my lessons. That was never my intention and I sympathize with them. I respect everyone’s experience and wish I had experienced it better at the time. I blame myself for that.”

The actor, who could be seen as Marcus Sanders in Good times Bad Times, says it is working on adjustments to the training. “So that all students feel safe within the programme: with the help of the board, the teachers, study coaches and the external confidential advisor.”

Although Metsers does not recognize himself in the accusations, this does not alter the fact that ‘the feelings and experiences that are described may of course be true for those former students’. He is open to talking to the former students. “I hope to be able to learn and grow from this and to make the training better, safer and even more successful.”

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