Hugo Metsers lays down work at actor training Faaam for the time being | Stars

“Due to the current unrest in all media and to allow classes to take place in peace, we are suspending all my teaching activities with immediate effect until further notice. I will also not participate in the core team, student assessments and judging during auditions of prospective students for the time being,” Metsers said in a statement on the website of faaam

The former students claimed, among other things, that in the Functional Nude course they had to go further with nude scenes than they wanted. Metsers left the AP know to be ‘shocked’ by the news. The actor, who appeared in, among other things, Good times Bad Timessaid he did not recognize himself in the allegations and then also said that he was working on adjustments to the training.


“It is close to my heart and I take it very seriously that there are former students who have had unpleasant feelings about my classes. That was never my intention and I sympathize with them,” Metsers wrote in his statement on Thursday evening. “I respect everyone’s experience and wish I had experienced it better at the time. I blame myself for that.”

The actor calls it “a pity” that acts have been recorded in the article of de Volkskrant that he believes are incorrect and in which he does not recognize himself. “I am, as always, open to enter into a dialogue with anyone who wants to. I can learn and grow from that, also in order to make the training better, safer and even more successful.”
