Hugo de Jonge puts on a fine dress for a mouth cap deal | Inland

The CDA minister is awaiting a vigorous debate on Thursday about his trade and walk as a corona minister. Initially, he pretended that he had nothing to do with the face mask deal, but Whatsapp conversations revealed that he did indeed interfere with it.

It also became clear this week that the minister also used his private email for business messages. That goes against rules for cabinet members.

The House of Representatives wants to know the bottom line. De Jonge indulged in clientelism and tried to circumvent the WOB procedure by using his private e-mail, are questions that are widely discussed in the House.

whatsapp messages

With De Jonge’s explanation letter, he has sent his Whatsapp messages from then, as well as the Whatsapp messages from his political assistant, who also had contact with Van Lienden.

De Jonge gives the impression that he believes that he has not gone terribly wrong. He speaks of ‘confusion’ that has arisen. Confusion that could have been avoided by earlier mention of his involvement in the Sywert deal. He also feels that he could have been ‘more complete’.
