Huge carnival wagon parked in Kinrooi: ‘A relief’ | 1Limburg

After a long search, carnival association De Waterratte from Ool-Herten has finally found a home for their meter-long carnival wagon. Not in Limburg, but just across the border in Kinrooi.

“It is certainly a relief. We are very happy with it,” said Bas Ruijten, chairman of the carnival association, in the Nieuwsshow on L1 Radio on Wednesday.

Finding shelter was not without a struggle. The car is 14 meters long, 3 meters wide and 4 meters high. Following L1 broadcasts, the ball started to roll, according to the chairman. “A man in Kinrooi has reported and made room for us. Now the car is dry under a roof.”

Because the car has been outside for a long time, damage was caused by the rain. “We wrapped it with plastic, but the car now needs some love and attention,” said Ruijten. The carnival association has been taking part in the parade by car for more than 20 years. Getting rid of him was therefore not an option, according to the chairman. They take for granted that the members of the company now have to drive a bit. “Think of it as a small parade to Kinrooi”, Ruijten jokes.

Build sheds
For the time being, the carnival wagon will remain in Belgium, but the company continues to look for accommodation in the area. “In Grubbenvorst, Weert and Hoensbroek, for example, sheds are being built for several carnival associations. Maybe we can do the same here,” Ruijten wonders.

Also read: No shelter for a 14 meter long carnival car
