Howest officially opens academic year | Focus and WTV

Howest officially opens the academic year

Director Lode De Geyter is saying goodbye as general manager of Howest after 17 years. Under De Geyter, the number of students increased from 3,000 to more than 10,000 for the first time this academic year.

Howest opens the academic year with many more students and a new director. Frederik D’hulster succeeds Lode Degeyter. Until now, D’hulster was director of education and internationalization. He wants to place even more emphasis on internationalization, and the new construction in Bruges will also be a challenge. “We must above all create a vibrant campus where students from far away, from Ghent, Antwerp, Leuven, come to Kortrijk and Bruges to study,” says D’hulster.

With four new courses, the total is now 42. Build Environment is one of the new bachelor’s degrees.

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