Shakiratogether with their children Milan and Sasha, they began a new stage by moving to their residence in Miami. After the controversial separation with the ex-soccer player Gerard Piquéthe singer made a series of requests to the press demanding respect for the privacy of her children, given the constant advances of paparazzi and some media.
In recent days, the Colombian company has established itself in South Beach reconnecting with old friends. However, the newly arrived family could not occupy the impressive mansion, which is located in one of the most exclusive areas of the United States. the paparazzi Jordi Martin He was in charge of communicating about the main problem that the Colombian encountered and that has prevented her from occupying her residence. A plague of termites invaded the space and for that reason, both the singer and her children have not been able to inhabit it.
“The bugs took over. Shakira cannot settle in her house because she is infected with termites. There is a tarpaulin that is covering the house facing the baybecause it is a very crowded area with tourists when they come here with the boat for a walk,” said the Spanish journalist, clarifying that the previous week a fumigation company came to the home to end the problem.
Even so, for the moment, it is unknown if Shakira will live in that place, since she was also recently seen looking for another space. According to press reports, The Colombian would be willing to spend 50 million on a mansionsince she was accompanied by a real estate agent and already visited the best options that were offered to her.
Last weekend, the artist from Barranquilla did not miss the singer’s concert Juan Luis Guerra in it FLA Live Arena from Florida. The performer of memorable songs like “Inevitable”, “Eyes like this” and “Blind, deaf-mute” enjoyed each of the Dominican classics and even met some musicians like Prince Royce, Manuel Turizo, Yotuel Romero, besides the producer emilio estefan.
On social networks, a video of Shakira was released greeting the author of “I hope it rains coffee” and appeared in a photo with Manuel Turizo and Prince Royce, in another of the posts. In another publication, she is shown happy with emilio estefan and leaving a message: “Reuniting with the family!”. “What luck and what a luxury to be able to listen live to Juan Luis Guerra, my spiritual brother and one of the artists who has filled so many moments of my life and the lives of people the most,” Shakira expressed in a story on Instagram.
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