How to use ChatGPT and transform it into an ally in the kitchen

“For chefs, it means an easy way to brainstorm what to do with unexpected leftover ingredients. For home cooks, it could eliminate the need to scroll through recipe blogs before deciding what to cook that night.” Hugo McCaffertyfood journalist from Fine Dining Lovers, noting that artificial intelligence (AI) could be useful in finding a specific recipe for ingredients on hand.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in our lives in one way or another. One of them is the striking and revolutionary ChatGPT, tool that can be very useful in the kitchen. The artificial intelligence chatbot, with which you can generate conversations and receive consistent responses, consists of a large database supplied to the AI ​​for interaction capability.

Although this type of technology is still in the development and growth stage, this platform has become an interesting alternative, since it can provide information of interest in a few seconds with an acceptable range of precision in most cases. A factor that in the daily environment of the home is always desired.

For its implementation, it is necessary to enter a question on a topic, which should be as clear and precise as possible. In this way, ChatGPT will work according to what is required, providing the most appropriate response possible, based on the information it handles. This makes it an ally when determining a cooking recipe to make at home.

hoang samuelsonfood journalist from The Take Out, tested the possibilities offered by this AI for this area of ​​work. The result led him to receive from a weekly meal plan for a four-person household, with various recipes, such as spaghetti and meatballs, tacos, and roast chicken with potatoes. Plus a shopping list based on those recommendations.

In this regard, McCafferty invited to ask the questions as specifically as possible, since “general questions receive very general answers.” So, the ideal is to add details such as the available ingredients, the type of kitchen, cooking time and more data that can help to obtain a more precise result. While it is true that ChatGPT is still far from being a kind of personal assistant for daily lifethe tool has already begun to demonstrate its potential, which will be further appreciated in the medium and long term.


An example of its use was experienced by the culinary portal which sent the following question: “Hello IA. I would like you to provide me with a recipe for dinner tonight. It has to be able to be made in 10 minutes, or at most 15. I don’t like pasta or rice for dinner and I prefer an original recipe. I really like to cook”.

AI’s response, before the test, was not long in coming: “How does a chicken and vegetable wrap? Here is the recipe: Ingredients: 4 wheat tortillas 400g chicken breast, cut into strips 1 carrot, grated 1/2 cucumber, cut into thin strips 1/2 cup lettuce leaves, chopped 1/4 cup mayonnaise Salt and pepper to taste Directions: Heat tortillas in skillet over medium heat until soft and warm. In a separate skillet, sauté chicken strips until golden brown and cooked through. Mix the mayonnaise with salt and pepper. On each tortilla, place a portion of chicken, grated carrot, cucumber, lettuce and a tablespoon of the mayonnaise mixture. Wrap each tortilla forming a roll and cut in half. Ready! This wrap is quick, easy to make, and delicious.”

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