how to treat it without drugs with physiotherapy – iO Donna

THEHeadache, or cephalea, is a very frequent disorder that mainly affects the adult population between 20 and 60 years old. They suffer from it approximately 10 million Italians. It manifests itself with localized pain in the head, often disabling. How to solve the problem?

Anti-headache diet: the importance of foods rich in omega 3

The possible causes

“The causes they have not been perfectly identified. There seems to be one of the reasons a communication “defect” at the brain level which derives from dysfunction of some neurotransmitters, or substances that convey information between neurons. Another factor to take into consideration is the familiarity. Other triggering causes are certainly represented byincorrect feedingfor example with excess alcohol, chocolate, cured meats, sausages and cheeses, prolonged incorrect postures, like being on the phone for many hours a day. Also an period of particular stress can cause headaches or, in women, i days before and during the menstrual cycle. Drug abuse And change of seasonespecially between summer and autumn, can cause headaches”, explains the Doctor Luca De MartinoPhysiotherapist and Osteopath.

Primary or secondary headaches?

«Headaches are divided into two categories: primary or secondary. The primaries are represented by those headaches that are not the result or consequence of another pathology. They are part of this category migraine, tension-type headache and cluster headache. We talk about secondary headaches when the headache represents the consequence and symptom of another pathology», underlines the expert.

Migraine: the queen of headaches

«Migraine is the most common type of headache. It hits approximately 15% of the population Italian and it’s about especially women. It manifests itself with predominantly unilateral pain, but it can also occur bilaterally. I am dense pulsations and they get worse with movement. It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, light intolerance. The first thing to do is stay at rest and in a dark, quiet environment. Despite notable advances in diagnosis and treatment, Migraine remains the second leading cause of disability worldwide, surpassed only by low back pain. If the problem persists for at least 15 days a month for more than 3 months is defined chronic migraine. In this condition, patients do not benefit from pharmacological therapy”, warns Doctor De Martino.

Headache: when it is persistent

«The first thing to do is contact the family doctorwho is responsible for making the correct one headache classification. Based on the information provided by the patient, a proposal will be made pharmacological or non-pharmacological therapysuch as sessions of physiokinesitherapy, osteopathy and postural re-education. In particular cases and if deemed appropriate, the doctor will evaluate further clinical investigation by proposing a neurological examination» continues the expert.

How to cure with physiotherapy and osteopathy

«Among the most effective non-pharmacological remedies they definitely fit in physiotherapy and osteopathy. There are several manual techniques to ease this disorder. In the presence of a medical prescription that establishes the extent of the problem, excluding other pathologies potentially related to the headache, some techniques can be used. First of all the manipulation of the cervical spinewhich can be performed only if in possession of diagnostic tests recent (MRI, RX) which do not highlight particular problems such as cervical hernias or osteoarthritis of the cervical spine. Done correctly, they have no side effects. There acupressure technique on the suboccipital muscles has the aim of deactivating the so-called “trigger points”. The myofascial techniques on the trapezius, scalene and SCOM musclesaim to relax the “pillars” of our cervical tract, subjected to joint and muscular stress and finally myofascial release techniques of the muscles of the temporomandibular joint”, advises Doctor De Martino.

