How to treat eyestrain from the use of screens

The presbyopia, also known as eye strain, is the difficulty of properly focusing on objects or text when they are very close. This visual problem occurs when you resort to enlarging the letters of cell phones, laptops or computers because you cannot read the texts with the standard size of the device’s font.

This can cause problems not only at work, but also in everyday life. For example, according to a study by the University of Helsinki, 24% of traffic accidents in that European area are related to vision problems or lack of visual attention. Presbyopia is not only a daily discomfort, it can also become a risk when it is not treated properly.

In other regions of the world, for example, in Spain, between 85% and 95% of the population suffers from presbyopia from the age of 45. In this regard, we would be talking about 17 million Spaniards with this diagnosis. It can be deduced that eye strain is a general visual problem that has no territorial limits and is closely linked to the habit of consuming digital devices.

This condition usually appears from the age of 40. And the first symptoms are easy to recognize: pointing to the texts to read in magazines or books, problems focusing closely, the need for more light to improve viewing, and enlarging the letters on mobile devices.


In these cases, when these symptoms appear a specialist should be consulted in ophthalmology to obtain a diagnosis. In general, it is recommended to use progressive lenses to correct eyestrain. However, it is suggested to have a thorough vision analysis with a qualified optometrist. The medical solution must be adjusted to the needs of each person and adapt the most appropriate lenses to each case.

The use of so-called progressive glasses for people who have never worn them can be a great physical and aesthetic change. But most opticians have progressive models that adapt to the habits, routines and needs of each user. Glasses of this type greatly improve sharpness and reduce lateral aberrations, resulting in a wider field of vision. In addition, they usually adapt naturally, without dizziness and with a smooth transition between near and far vision.

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