How to successfully combine entrepreneurship and ecology?

According to the latest barometer from the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe), the environment is the second concern of the French. In a context where environmental protection has become essential, companies are also concerned.

For both large and small and medium-sized companies, it is not just a question of reviewing their CSR approach, but of completely changing the paradigm. To add their stone to the building, they multiply the initiatives in order to combine entrepreneurial project and positive ecological contributions.


An ecological approach

To undertake an ecological approach, companies adopt different approaches. Renewable energies, recycling, neutralizing your carbon footprint… The possibilities are endless. They all meet the same objective: to set up an economy and an operation that is more respectful of the environment and ecosystems. The goal is to find the right solution.

Some companies are turning to a completely different concept: agroforestry. Concretely, it is a mode of exploitation which consists of associating trees with other livestock crops. This practice is favored by many actors, because it makes it possible to use resources more efficiently and to participate in the creation and development of a micro-climate favorable to increased yields. According to a recent study conducted by the National Research Institute for Agriculture, agroforestry today occupies 15.4 thousand hectares in Europe.

farmer treedom

Faced with the various advantages of this approach, some companies have decided to build their services on this type of model. This is particularly the case of Treedom. Since 2010, the company has offered individuals and organizations the opportunity to participate in the reforestation of southern countries from their homes. The trees are planted by local communities in 17 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

For the company, the goal is not only to create a link between individuals and the planet, but also to enable everyone to participate in the fight against climate change and to support the inhabitants of southern countries. Since its creation, Treedom has made it possible to plant three million trees.

This social business model earned it membership in the Certified B Corporations in 2014. This is a network of companies that stand out for their significant social and environmental performance and contributions.


Plant trees with your business

It should therefore be said that Treedom succeeds in reconciling business and ecology. In order to help companies in turn undertake a more environmentally friendly approach, the platform offers them to contribute to one of its agroforestry projects in different ways.

Online, each society has a forest. It finds the number of trees planted, their typology and their geolocation. Each tree page bears the logo and message of the company behind the forest. It is possible to obtain his photo and his coordinates in order to follow his development in “the Journal of the Tree”. In this way, an organization can act for biodiversity in a few clicks. In an internal approach, human resources can offer employees the opportunity to contribute to a common, committed and sustainable project.

treedom treestreedom trees

A company can also offer this initiative to its customers to promote an eco-designed product or a more responsible use of its raw materials, as Petit Bateau has done. In January 2020, the brand launched an exclusive organic cotton birth kit. This included the planting of a tree as part of Treedom’s agroforestry projects. It was possible to associate the name of a child with the tree of his choice.

Green entrepreneurship aims to respond to major environmental and social issues. Concepts like that of Treedom allow organizations to easily undertake a green entrepreneurship approach while developing a link and a sense of lasting community with the people who matter to them. His initiative has already been recognized by several awards, including the United Nations Best Small Business Competition, which honors SMEs that are transforming food systems for a better future.

On your turn, it is possible to take part in an ecological project by planting a tree or a forest from the platform of Treedom. At the moment, Siècle Digital offers you a 15% reduction on the first planting with the code SIECLE15, valid only once per user.

