How to start running: table for beginners

Here are some simple indications to enter the world of running and to start off on the right foot straight away

Irene Righetti


There race it is a physical activity accessible to all, which it can be practiced anywhere and with “minimal” equipment. You can go out for a run at the most suitable time based on work and family commitments, you can go alone or in company. Yes they can grinding out kilometers everywhere: on an asphalt road, in a forest, along the shoreline, at home on the treadmill. For this reason, running is one of the most practiced sports in the world: fast, undemanding and able to keep us fit.

start running

Those who intend to start running, however, should not improvise, but try to take into account some elements which will allow him not to “give up” halfway.

  1. Before setting out for a run, the advice is to do a medical-sports visit at rest and under stress, to check that everything is OK. It is a good idea to continue to visit every year, young and old, even if you are not competing.
  2. Equip yourself with a pair of running shoes, alternative shoes for leisure or other sports are not suitable. Keep in mind that the shoe should have some space in the front, the foot should not feel “constricted”. For this reason you generally buy a shoe of half a size or a larger size.
  3. Choose gods non-demanding training routes, better if flat. This is because we are starting to run and it will be best not to add difficulty to our session, but to stay focused only on our sensations.
  4. Is it time to go out for a run? We do a 5-6 minute warm-up, which can consist of a simple brisk walk. Then you can start alternating running with walking.
  5. We are entering the winter season so as soon as we finish training, let’s change and if we can, let’s have a nice one right away hot shower. Because keeping sweat on our skin risks cooling us down and making us ill.

the table to get started

Here is a typical table to start running:

1st week (three releases):

  • 1 minute of running, alternating with 1 minute of walking. Repeat 10 times.
  • 2 minutes running, 1 minute walking. Repeat 8 times.
  • 4 minutes of running, 1 minute of walking. Repeat 5 times.

2ª and 3ª week (three releases):

  • 4 minutes running, 2 minutes walking. Repeat 4 times.
  • 6 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking. Repeat 3 times.
  • 8 minutes of running, 2 minutes of walking. Repeat 3 times.

4ª and 5ª week (three releases):

  • 10 minute run, 2 minute walk. Repeat 2 times.
  • 12 minute run, 2 minute walk. Repeat 2 times.
  • 15 minute run, 2 minute walk. Repeat 2 times.

6ª week (three releases):

  • 15 minute walk, 2 minute run. Repeat 2 times.
  • 10 minute run, 2 minute walk. Repeat 2 times.
  • 30 minute ride.
