how to say enough with the new drugs – iO Donna

Lto psoriasis is one inflammatory disease, chronic, non-contagious of the skin, which in Italy hits about 2 million people. It has the same incidence in both sexes and can occur at any age. It usually appears for the first time between 20 and 30 years oldwhile it is rare in children. A second peak in incidence is recorded in the age group between 50 and 60 years. Unfortunately, in many cases, it can significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life. We asked the experts what the therapeutic novelties.

How it manifests itself

The most common symptoms are dryness of the skin, redness, itching and erythema, joint pain, burning sensation and bleeding. However, psoriasis Not must be considered just a skin disease. It is, in fact, an affection for systemic interestassociated with many other pathologies, first of all psoriatic arthritiswhich affects until 30% of the sickas well as joint, metabolic, cardiovascular and intestinal disorders.

A new drug

Fortunately, a new drug arrives that can improve the quality of life of patients. L’AIFAItalian Medicines Agencyhas given the ok at the reimbursement of bimekizumab for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adult candidates for systemic therapy. This treatment of UCB Pharmaa global biopharmaceutical company, is the first designed for selectively and directly inhibit the interleukins IL 17 A, and IL 17 Fmessenger molecules of the immune system to the body, which play a key role in inflammatory processes.

Psoriasis: what it is, the causes, the new treatments

The awareness campaign

On the occasion of the launch of bimekizumab in our country, UCB Pharma also presented a new countryside Of awareness on pathology: “Put Psoriasis Out of the Game” to help patients learn about their disease, encouraging them to contact specialists that can help them face the problem, with willpower and determination. Celebrity endorsement Claudio Marchisioformer footballer of the Italian national team, affected by psoriasis.

How it works

«The mechanism of action of bimekizumab is absolutely innovative. It’s a monoclonal antibody directed against both interlukina 17 Awhat against the interlude 17 F, making it different from other molecules available today, which are directed only against interlukina 17A or against its receptor. This is not only a ‘classification’ difference, but in terms of effectiveness. Because for doctors and patients, bimekizumab is an optimization of existing treatments. THE administration times, then, they are very easy: in fact, you pass from two subcutaneous injections once a month in the induction phase, to once every two months in the maintenance phase. This also helps compliance, which is an important element for better manage therapy and get one clinical remission of the pathology,” explains the Professor Paolo GisondiAssociate Professor of Dermatology at theIntegrated University Hospital of Verona.

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New perspectives for the patient

«In addition to efficacy, the drug has shown a good profile safety. And this is essential for one chronic disease like psoriasis. In fact, they come with these molecules block inflammatory cytokines, but if the therapy is stopped, in most cases the disease returns. That’s why having medications available today that can be used for long periods of time, allows you to have psoriasis sufferers with a almost complete control of the disease» concludes the Doctor Piergiorgio MalagoliPsoCare Unit Manager IRCCS San Donato Polyclinic of Milan.

