How to save phone battery? 11 tips

With small actions, you can save your phone’s battery and make it last longer.

The battery should not be strained unnecessarily. Adobe Stock / AOP

Current smartphone batteries have a long service life if they are taken care of. The battery should not be loaded with dirt, but also by utilizing the features of the phone, you can take better care of the battery and at the same time make the power last longer.

We put together some tips to make your battery last longer.

1. Dim the screen

The phone screen consumes a lot of power. You can save a lot of power by dimming the screen brightness. You should read our previous article for tips on automatic screen brightness settings.

2. Adjust the screen to turn off faster

You should set the phone to turn off the screen automatically when the phone has been idle for a while. From the phone settings, you should choose the best time for the screen to turn off for your own use.

3. Go through the vibration settings

Many phones have vibration on by default, for example when pressing keys, using the camera application or using the key lock. Vibration consumes more battery than, for example, beeps, so it’s worth going through the vibration settings.

4. Check energy-hungry apps

Some apps use a lot of background processes, which consumes power. Read here how to go through the settings.

5. Adjust the number of notifications

Applications can give many notifications during the day. You should think about which notifications you really need and disable unnecessary notifications.

6. Turn off location services

Many apps use your phone’s location data in the background, which drains your battery. You should think about whether some of the applications really need your location, because they can work without problems even without data. From the phone’s application settings, you can adjust the permissions granted to applications, including location information.

7. Turn off background updates for apps

Automatic updates are good because you always get the latest software and security updates on your phone. However, for individual applications, you should think about how often you want them to be updated in the background. You should think about whether, for example, e-mail needs to be constantly updated in the background, or whether a smaller update interval would be sufficient.

8. Do not overload the battery

Professor at Aalto University’s Department of Chemistry and Materials Science Tanja Kallio told Iltalehte earlier that the phone’s battery lasts best when its charge is kept between 20 and 80 percent.

9. Turn off Wi-Fi

If you’re on the move and there’s no known Wi-Fi connection nearby, it’s a good idea to turn it off. If you are in a place where there is a reliable Wi-Fi connection, use it instead of the mobile network.

10. Use airplane mode

If you don’t need the network at all, you should prefer airplane mode.

11. Use power saving mode

The power saving mode can be used in other ways than when the battery charge drops below a certain percentage. If there are times in the day when you don’t use your phone anyway, you should consider using the power saving mode.

Sources: Google, Apple, Kaspersky, DNA
